Solution 1 - Get more traffic to your website
Solution 2 - Improve your response rate - get more existing visitors to respond to your ads.
Increasing traffic is usually a difficult and expensive job. After all, most webmasters are already getting as much traffic as they possibly can. However, increasing your response rate can be as simple as making a minor change to your web pages.
Examples of changes that can improve response are...
* Using different styles and positions for your ad units
* Using different header graphics on your pages
* Placing different images in different positions on your pages
* Using different colors and/or fonts
* Using different headline text
... and many other small changes to features of your pages
All of these can significantly alter your response rates.
Some of these changes may improve the response rate, some may have no effect and some may actually reduce the response rate.
Clearly it's very important to know which changes to make.
However, there is really only one way to discover which changes will improve response...
You need to test the different options and measure the response to each.

With Adsense Split Tester, you simply enter a few details into a form and the software automatically creates a special script.
You then upload this script to your web host (in the same way as you would upload any normal HTML web page). You also upload any files you want to test.
This is the easiest to test anything on your Adsense site !
With this powerful solution you can test any type of changes to you web pages.
You can also test different graphics too. For more technical users, you can even test things like different Cascading Style Sheets or different PHP scripts if you want.
All you need to do is create the different versions of your web pages, graphics or other files, upload them and then let Adsense Split Tester split your traffic between the different options automatically.
Once you've identified the option that performs best, you can switch your site over to using just that option. You can then maybe test changes to some other features of your site, to see if you can boost your profits even more.
Using this powerful solution, you can quickly and easily test every possibility to find the most profitable features for your site.
Boosting your Adsense income just doesn't get any easier than this.
DOWNLOAD Adsense Split Tester now and boost your Adsense income !
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