If you were to ask me which web site is the MUST use site for 2009, there can only be ONE answer !
It's not MySpace.
It's not YouTube.
It's not Facebook.
And it's not even Google.
These are all valuable sites, but the one site that should be a part of EVERY online business in 2009 is ====> Twitter.com.
If you aren't using Twitter, you are missing out on the greatest opportunity for building relationship with your customers and prospects.
You are missing out on the best free branding tool on the web.
And you are missing out on FREE traffic and increased sales!
There's just no excuse for any business, whether small or large, to not be using Twitter.
So how do you get started?
And once you start, how do you leverage Twitter for your business?
The result is a brand new book by Joel, Twitter Power : How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time
The book has just become available and I would like for you to get one of the first copies.
If you want to get a jump on your competitors,you MUST use Twitter. And you must use it properly.
Twitter Power book will show you how !
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